Fine tuning cPanel autoresponder interval

If you enabled autoresponder in your cPanel, then you probably noticed that, by default, the sender gets only one autoreponder message every 8 hours. There is nothing wrong with that. In fact, the purpose of this interval setting is to prevent sending a bunch of emails to the sender who sends more then one email to the user who has enabled autoresponder.

Changing (forgotten) PostgreSQL password

Whether you lost password for postgres user or you’d just like to change it, the process is very simple. Unlike resetting lost password for MySQL’s root user, resetting postgres’ password is pretty straightforward and you’ll not experience any kind of downtime. This article explains how to change/reset password for postgres user in PostgreSQL 8.

Running Django in Virtualenv

So, you learned some Python, heard a thing or two about Django framework and decided to try it out. You’re in luck, because you can set up your development environment in less then 60 seconds. The idea is that you install and run Django within virtualenv.